Life as a college student undeniably tests your limits. You are expected to juggle assignments, tests preparations, presentations and also making new friends as we mostly won’t have our high school besties at our side with us. College is meant to give us a new start in life as we learn to make new friends and learn new things too. However, there are a few things we tend to forget once we get too busy with college and here are 7 of them.
1. Spend time with your family.
This is one of the first things we forget as college students. When we are faced with a load of assignments and presentations to work with, we tend to forget spending quality time with the most important people in our lives. If you are away from home, a phone call every week would suffice to make our parents feel happy as we get to update them about how we are doing in college. If you are going to college from home, just share how your day was with you parents over dinner.
2. Drink more water
Getting your daily intake of H2O may not be on the top of your priority list when you have more important things to work on such as your final exams but whatever it is, it is essential for your health. Have a bottle next to you at all times as it can be a good reminder to chug in some water as you study or revise for an important test. Drinking a lot of H2O can help your brain to receive more oxygen and it will help you to work more efficiently.
3. Read books
This may not be a favourite activity for many students out there but it is definitely important to improve our proficiency in certain languages especially for the English language. Make it a habit to read books regularly. You can start slowly by reading one book a month and gradually make it to 2 books, 3 and so on according to your speed of reading. Also, don’t forget to challenge yourself to read genres outside your comfort zone to gain more knowledge such as sci–fi and also autobiographies of influential personalities.
4. Exercise regularly
Working out is good for your brain, so you can leave excuses such as “I need to study” and “I can’t exercise, I have an assignment due” behind! If you are not a big fitness junkie, start light with a simple daily workout routine with simple exercises instead of putting pressure on yourself to go to the gym every day. You can go for a jog at the nearest park as it can help to relax your mind although you may be tired at the end.
5. Track your expenses
As a student, managing your expenses is no walk in the park. It is also very difficult to push away your temptations in buying new clothes, trying new food as well as going out with your friends. But at the end of the day, after purchasing those items, it is extremely scary to look at that almost empty wallet. The usual expenses are the amount of money we spend on food every day but the other expenses can be classified under exclusivity as it is not that important in our daily life. So, remember to strictly abide to a budget to make sure you use your money wisely.
6. Wash your face and brush your teeth
This step might not sound so important to us but oral hygiene is extremely important too. We have all been at a situation where we have fallen asleep without brushing our teeth and washing our face after a long tiring day. It is fine to not do it for a day but as you keep it as a routine, you will end up with weird – looking yellowish teeth. Therefore, make it a habit to wash your face and brush your teeth before going to sleep as it will make you feel refreshed and will help you get a good night’s sleep.
7. Say thank you
Do you say thank you to the bus driver when you hop off, or do you get down without saying a word? What do you say when a waiter brings you your food? It just takes less than a second to show your gratitude towards someone and it will make a difference in their life and make their day better.
I hope after this, the students out there will realise how important it is to not forget about the things that I have stated above after getting into college. Hope you had a good read today ;) Do leave a comment below to tell us what you think about this article.
Cheers, Liana